Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Horsin' around

Or rather - Hippo-in around!

Our sweet little girl has a bit of a wild side that is coming out more and more everyday. It's pretty cute; so I don't mind.  She is now big enough to enjoy the hippo-rocker her grandpa Ross got her for Christmas and boy does she ever! 

She went from two hands, to one handed and guessed it... NO hands. 

(Michael was right next to her) 

Which was good because she thinks it's hilarious to lay backward on her hippo. It's just no fun playing it safe, right? Ha. 

Unrelated but look at this baby enjoying her shower earlier that day. 

Things are pretty fun around here. Lots of drool, giggles, and learning. Also lots of pictures; as you can see! :)


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Oh so pretty.

You know those days when you just feel pretty? Penelope was having one of those days, so we had to capture it. A moment of warm sweetness with a smile on top. Ahhh, a moment that I live for. 

And a giggle or two 

And a moment in black & white. 

Ok we are done.. But seriously? 
My dearest daughter, you are gorgeous

Friday, March 21, 2014

Baby shorts

Spring...... Where are you? Well regardless, one of our obsessions lately has been little baby shorts paired with tights. We'd like to lose the tights, if the weather would just cooperate! We won't hold our breath though...yikes. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


This post is just a random collection of some quick phone snaps. For people like (my dad) who don't have Facebook and can't see everything I post on there! ;) 

Lately, Penelope has been a teeny tiny bit ornery. I say this because I'm not sure if she's really being naughty or she's just so sweet all the time that anytime she acts up, it's completely out of the ordinary for her! Sometimes she acts like such a...."normal" baby! Moments where she isn't perfect and pleasant, what?  

Firstly, her toys are old news and thus, deemed boring. She now prefers just about anything that is not specifically for her. Like... Cellphones, the edge of a dirty restaurant table (yum), a handful of her cat's hair, tupperware, the list goes on. 

Here is a quick example of how mom's clean, hand washed dishes, are so much more exciting than her bright, noise and light making toys. Hmmmm...

A side of cat hair for you, Pen? 

Another thing she has really enjoyed lately is trying to escape the diaper change. Which sometimes results in a quick dribble on the surface underneath her. Wonderful!! 

Clothing is always optional according to Pen and by that I mean she hates getting dressed or undressed. Pajamas are highly preferred; which I allow unless we have somewhere to be! 

And the day just isn't complete if I don't let her climb up the couch to gaze out the window.... 

Hopefully she will keep her "bad habits" to herself.. Because she is starting to make some friends! 
Left to right; Kellan, Brodyn, Bristol & P
(St. Paddy's day fun!)

This post is mostly sarcastic; I pretty much have a grin on my face all day with little P. She is really starting to get a personality and it's pretty neat. 

At 8 months old P has no teeth and we are still working on crawling. Instead, she rolls anywhere she wants to go. But she does clap when I say "yay" or anytime she is excited! She also mumbles "mama & dada" although, I'm not quite sure if she is just mimicking me or actually knows what she is saying. But we'll say she does for the sake of my own ego! ;) 

Sometimes we are lucky enough to sneak a nap while she does. Ahhhh...peace and quiet, but only for a short while! :) 

That's all for now!


Saturday, March 15, 2014

My lucky charm

What a winter! Pen and I thought our days of being cooped up inside were never ending; which hasn't been all bad since she's a terrific little snuggle bug. Yesterday it seemed as if our luck had turn around and we took full advantage of it starting with a walk down to grandma and grandpa's house. It was actually so sunny that we had to throw a hat on her! Yes!! 

Trying out the tractor! 

Soon it will be swimming weather, right? 

Just kidding, the very next day we woke to this.

But something that is right around the corner is St. Patricks day! Which obviously calls for a photo-shoot.  

And these ones are a little blurry but for the sake of showing what a little ham miss P is, they are worth sharing. 

Ha! I seriously have too much fun with this little girl of mine. 

This year, rather than attending the St. Patrick's  Day pub crawl downtown..... We will continue working on the Penelope crawl instead. Cheers!