Friday, January 31, 2014


Time completely got away with us when it came to getting P baptized. Before she was born, we both agreed we would like to get it taken care of right away........

Almost 7 months later, here we are!
We decided to do it in Miles City, with Father Rob Oswald. He is so nice and welcoming. The baptism was short, sweet, and full of love. Michael and I decided that Penelope's god parents would be our parents. So thank you to Dick, Nancy and my dad. 

Also a big thanks to sweet creations of Glendive for our gorgeous cake! 

A big month.

I am writing this entry simply because so much has happened in Penelope's 6 month of life that is worth sharing! Learning faster than ever and loving every minute of it....this little girl is keeping me busy!  With her babbles and screeching, drool and hair pulling...she is one silly little girl. 

When Penelope turned 6 months old I finally gave into the idea of her sleeping in her own crib. Literally one of the hardest things I've done since she was born. Michael gave me the support and push that I needed. But to be honest...I loved having her right next to me and I miss it. Although I have a nifty video monitor so I can peek at any time of the night, it's still completely nerve wracking for me. Much harder on me than her, that's for sure! 

How I spent most of the first night she slept in her crib....staring at her.

The next morning...she was feeling refreshed! I was feeling like a long nap! 

All in all, it has been going well. I cheat and bring her in our room every now and then but I have a feeling that will never change. :) 

When she's not sleeping in her crib like a big girl..she's sitting up on her own, playing with all of her noise making toys!

Or sitting on papa Ross's lap.. One of her favorite spots! 

She also got to sit in the grocery cart for the first time the other day! She loved it while I looked like a weirdo snapping pictures of her throughout the store. 

She is getting to be quite the little human. We had a little Valentines Day themed photo shoot and I got to capture a few of her sweet expressions! 

Penelope, I know I'm your mom and all, therefor, I think your the most beautiful baby in the world...but even if I wasn't. You. Are. :) 

P also got baptized this month but that deserves a post of it's own. Coming up next!!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

6 months!

This has been the hardest blog for me to write. I have been trying for a week now but it is difficult to see what I am typing with eyes full of tears. Our sweet girl is half a year old. I am not sure why, but this simple fact makes me SO emotional. She is just getting so big. These past 6 months have truly been the best of my entire life. Penelope has been more than we could have ever hoped for. She is sweet, mellow, smiley, and a perfect mix of Michael and I (90% me and 10% Michael......KIDDING!) So this blog is to you "Penella," as your daddy would say. 

Where to start?

You have made me one of those annoying moms. I want to show random people photos of you, I talk everyone's ears off about how great you are, and I cry at just about every sweet thing you do. I can't help myself. You have made me overly anxious, extremely emotional, and perfectly content. I am so proud off all your little accomplishments and it is such a blessing to be able to stay at home with you while you experience all of them. Your dad is pretty darn good to us! I always say I want you to stay little, but the truth is, my favorite thing to do is watch you grow and learn. You have a mind of your own and though you are little, you know exactly what you like and dislike.  So let's take a look at all of your favorite things. 

Number 1 is STILL bath time. 

Watching the movie Shark Tale. 

Then I'd have to say eating... Your favorite.. Peas or pears! 

You also like to feed yourself with your very cool bottle holder that allows you to grip your bottle. 

Your teething ball that everyone thinks is a dog toy 

Playing with all of your toys and hanging out in your jumper! 

We love to play together and sometimes you get mad at me for all the picture taking. When this happens, your face looks like this. 

Can't help myself! 

You also love your puppies and kitty. Paisley likes to be right next to you as much as she can. 

Your quilt that Kim Schreder made for you. Gotta have it! 

Your such a happy little thing. Thank you for that.. And don't change. 

And although it is very obvious that you are a beautiful little girl....there is one thing.... 


But somehow, you make even a mullet pretty darn cute :) 

And look at how much you have grown! 

We love you P. 

Verry Merry!

I am sadly in the process of taking down all of the Christmas decorations and let me tell you, I am not happy about it. Christmas time is the best. Plain and simple. Adding a sweet little baby to Christmas makes it even better. This year we spent Christmas with Michael's family and then headed to celebrate with my family the following weekend. SO much fun...and SO much food. I kept telling myself that I had eaten enough until next Christmas and to just stop....but...I didn't. Penelope got many kisses, snuggles, presents, and pictures taken of her this year. So I will share! 

Don't mind me... Just trying to recreate some shots I've seen on Pinterest. Haha.

Christmas Eve 

Christmas Day

New walker from grandma & grandpa Crisafulli. 

MORE boots! Yay, thanks aunt Brandie! Now we just have to figure out how to keep them on!

Too much fun, nap on daddy time!

Cousin love

Speaking of cousins.. I think Gi was excited about not being the only girl around this Christmas! More pink and all things pretty this year! 
Great Christmas with the Crisafullis' 

Unfortunately, this Christmas was a little rough on my grandma. She recently had stomach surgery and is on a liquid diet (the worst, right? No Christmas dinner!) She hated not being able to pick up and hold Penelope like usual but it didn't stop her from giving P lots of love! 

If you notice my dad being a dork while sipping his drink...he was trying to be. Photobomber!

My dad can't help but spoil P. It seems like every time we see him he has something that he just couldn't resist for her. I'd have to say this is my favorite so far! Her hippo stinkin' cute! 

Thank you to everyone who has been part of our lives this past year. It has been nothing short of incredible. All of the gifts, cards and love is VERY much appreciated. 

And speaking of cards... You WILL be getting a Christmas card from us. The company didn't ship them until Christmas Eve, (extremely annoyed about this!) so they are going to be a little late getting to you! Apologies!  

The Crisafullis'