Thursday, May 28, 2015

Guilt Post.

What has happened? My last post was in February.. I've turned into a terrible blogger. But since I start every post apologizing for not posting..let's skip that. Things have been crazy. We literally had to buy one of those ginormous calendars to keep track of work, vacation & big events. The "stay at home mom" title has been thrown out of the window and it seems I am constantly on the go. Michael took his electrician test (a recent option that wasn't previously available) and passed (Whooo hoo!) so he is officially an electrician for BNSF rather than continuing his 4 year long apprentiship. Things are good. Pen is crazy... Seriously.. She loves slamming doors, screaming, chasing her kitty, spanking us and pooping almost immediately after being freshly bathed. She will be two in one month which apparently means EVERYONE starts asking "when is the next one coming?" Ha! Not for awhile, she is plenty for now! We have a lot of fun with her.. She is getting so independent and silly. She will run right up to Mike and tickle his feet while they hang off the couch and when you tell her it's time to do (basically) anything.. She runs like a little drunk person as fast as she can to her play tent to hide. It truly is amazing how fast she's grown and what a fun, sweet, crazy little person she has become. In February my grandma Helen (Dad's mom) passed away. This was obviously very sad for us but P seemed to be the little ray of sunshine for anyone that needed it. She just has a sweet & wise soul. I'm so happy my grandma was able to meet her. While we spent our time in Havre it was so much fun to see my dad's side, a bunch of joke-sters. We made the best out of a sad situation and I know that's what grandma would have wanted. 

March will go down as Michael's biggest accomplishment month; we bought a boat. In April we went to Kansas City with Michael for work. We were able to see our friends Ryan, Chelsea, Cole & their newest little family member Bradley. Seeing them as a family of 4 was really cool, they are doing great! It made me think of how P would make such a good big sister... But won't be for awhile because I'm not that brave, yet. 

Now we are at May.. (Let's just pretend there's not only 3 days to June). My dad & brother surprised us and showed up to Glendive for a few days, seriously the best surprise ever. Other than that, nothing too exciting going on this month, on Saturday I will spend the day taking pictures of kiddos with my newly constructed lemonade stand at a big vendor show. It is so cute, thanks to Mike and his dad! Next week I'm going on a girls trip to Denver to see Luke Bryan & Florida Georgia Line on tour. My dad will be coming to help Michael with P (he is really such a wonderful dad & grandpa). I often wonder what the heck we would do without him. We are just lucky on both sides, Pen visits Dick & Nancy about every other day it seems and they always help when I work. She is blessed with some awesome grandparents! Anywho, my goal on the girls trip is to stay up past 10 and try not to spend the majority of my time watching the cameras back at home. A break will be good..... Right?   

Remembering grandma Ross. 
Fun times in Havre. Dad on left, his brother, Pierre on right. Cutest baby ever, front & center! ;)
P's uncle Jake 
A few of P's favs, uncle P & aunt Lynn
Boat purchase 
Royals game in Kansas City

Easter Bunny (uncle Jake!)

The surprise visit from grandpa & jake.. And corn on the cob.

Hey uncle Chase, marry auntie Britt already, would ya?! :)
Always stylin' thanks aunt Sherry for the homeade scarf! 
Photoshoot with dad. So sweet.

Part of her second birthday shoot. Insert sad face... Where does the time go?

That is all for now! Pen is in bed sleeping with a full belly of tacos! Goodnight!